Friday, September 5, 2008


Today once again have been kind of tiring for me, it started as early as 8am... Went back to school for some studio stuff, think it was okay, though some "funny" thing occur. Ultimately it was not bad!

Our dearest WanFong commented that my red carpet thing was not "detailed" enough, so i shall try elaborating more here.

Well, the funny thing about the red carpet thing was that, it is something that is so super exciting! However at the moment you are like waiting to walk up or walk down the thing, my heart pound like nobody's business, held tightly to Fu er's hand, kind of refusing to let go, she also was a sweetie, she squeezed my hand to give me some assurance.
Talking about Fu er, she is like my ultimate sweetie pie! She is one who assures me, the one who always let me hug her to energize when i am tired, the one who i will share my money with, as much i thought she was sweet to me and i have done peanuts to her, she thinks that i am sweet to her and she done peanuts to me, it is like, i think she is one friend who i know i might keep in contact FOREVER, or at least as long as possible! Actually, frankly, i treat her more than friend already, i think she is like my sister! She is there like almost always! Whenever i am down, when i felt helpless, giving me such warmth... Aw! Fu er! You are really a sweetie!! Thanks Babe!

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