Saturday, November 15, 2008


Wanted to type lalalalala, but being afriad that blogger might not allow repeated title, thus, lslsllslslsl will do well too!
I am going to start looking for a job! Going to be more prepared because of alot of reasons, one that can be reveal is that i dont want to waste my time slowly looking for one while lazing around! -smiles-

Yes, that is a good reason right? Partly, it is also somewhat harder because i am not going to rely on job agencies, because i find that i probably able to find my own job thus dont have to just let them get some easy money by taking in comission,yes, i am quite stingy in this area! it makes sense right? However, i am not saying about those who really uses those agencies, because i cant deny some of them do give good jobs that wont be affected even though they takes in some comission.

School currently is in the most crucial period, thank you April for your words, felt so much better, think letting out really feels good in a way. Sometimes it really amazes me how people can play such a important place in our lives. When we are happy, we would want people around us to share the joy, when we are upset, we need people for us to lean on, to feel... that we exist?
When we are angry and about to blow up, we need people to scold, scream and vent our angers to, when we feel "unwanted" we need people to assure us about how important we are in their lives too. Ultimately, it just feels like, indeed, everyone needs everyone!

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