I only remember blogging really regular when i was still in my secondary days. When all i do once i reach home is to actually turn on my computer and just blog away my day. I think partially because i was always being left alone at home, my sister was still in school back then and my parents were working. So seriously what else can i do other then just blog and stare at the screen.
There was a time that i was really bored till i will keep changing the font colour each time after i start a new paragraph. Time has flew so fast that sometimes i don't even have sufficient moment to catch a breath and take a quick glimpse of how things have been changing around me. It seems forever for me to turn 18 going on to 19 this year, breaking curfews and more things like working. I have to keep constantly reminding myself that i am no longer what i use to be, might not own what i used to own, because time has change and i have to grow up regardless whether i like it or not.
Attended another very sweet Solemnization yesterday once again, manage to see a lot of my ITE lecturers! Took a photo with Ms Karen with Fu er as well.
Anyways, fell in love with some really meaningful lyrics songs that are classified as emo songs by my friends, mostly i think break up songs?! but i just find that the melody is awesome.
Teng bought my gifts from Taiwan and Bangkok respectively and was really nice to pass it to me like yesterday, really sweet of her to do so. somehow, it makes me miss spending time with her and Jolene. Oh, the good thing was, she say i SLIM DOWN!! So happy, it has been ages since someone commented that i actually slim down. However, i want to slim more. Cannot stand myself to look fat especially when i know my cousin's wedding is drawing really really near! Wendy(my colleague) and i went to Bugis the other day to see whether i could find my dress there. But never really find any. BUT! I am not going to give up! -smile- Nothing is impossible!
I apologise if my post is kind of not in the proper sequence because these are bits and pieces in my mind now.
The weather is really a killer now! So please drink lots and lots of water, preferably plain water because it is more healthy. You know why? Because my nose is protesting to me about the weather too, it just keeps bleeding as and when she likes! [ i gave it a female gender because i am a female!] Horrible, just sneezing brings the blood clog out! Not a good sign at all i think.
Currently, all three family members are around, excluding my mum who had once again went to Kuching, she offered to bring me there but i rejected for no reason though. However, three of us are at our individual spaces using our own laptops , doing our own stuff. My dad is at the living room dong his work, my sister in her room, doing her work as well, and i am in my own room blogging. I think this is a partial disadvantage of staying in a four -room flat, lesser family interaction. Especially when children gets older and demands their own SPACES!
Unknowingly, i just typed a super long entry! I think that is all, shall continue tomorrow!
Loves, Jas
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