Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jasmine is sweet and scary at the same time!! =)

Jasmine can be quite scary when she have blasting headache! If you provoke her when she is having headache, she will BITE! -smiles-

Yes, was suffering from a headache since this morning(31 July2008,Thursday), was quite bad actually. However, i am now a healthy baby again! So happy that it is gone, just detest headache a lot! Feels like they can take away my life man!

Went roller-blading yesterday! it have been ages before doing it again, it was good and i did NOT fall AT ALL! Great achievement! Well done Jasmine, you have made a slight improvement once more though you nearly fall for quite a few times.

Amazingly, today i have nearly up to five hours of break! Can you believe it? Nearly kill me upside down, watch Saw IV today, totally gruesome! Cried at one part where it really scares me, it was so so disgusting and provided that people who knows me, know that i dont watch gruesome show nor horror!
Gross! No more gruesome show for you already Jasmine! Sufian, Fuer and bunch are my entertainment in school! They make school days seems so enjoyable, though i am even more happy that tomorrow NO LESSON as per usual! Think Wanfong they all see this, they will be whining all over again!-smiles widely and posing with a twist!- Cannot help it because i am not the one who decide on my schedule you know?

So looking forward for tomorrow's cellgroup! It is going to be awesome!


Always find that humans' mind are the deepest place that is hardest to be reach, it is like a well that can never be figured how deep it is or how much more deeper can it actually go.


Life never fails to amaze me, you know why?
It is because there are times when you thought it is like your lowest peak ever, however it can either still go even lower or it can actually become your highest peak of your life! It is like a very contradicting saying but it is true! Learn it through all these years, that why, when things seems out of control, can just leave it to the potter's hands and things can just transform.

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