Jasmine can be quite scary when she have blasting headache! If you provoke her when she is having headache, she will BITE! -smiles-
Yes, was suffering from a headache since this morning(31 July2008,Thursday), was quite bad actually. However, i am now a healthy baby again! So happy that it is gone, just detest headache a lot! Feels like they can take away my life man!
Went roller-blading yesterday! it have been ages before doing it again, it was good and i did NOT fall AT ALL! Great achievement! Well done Jasmine, you have made a slight improvement once more though you nearly fall for quite a few times.
Amazingly, today i have nearly up to five hours of break! Can you believe it? Nearly kill me upside down, watch Saw IV today, totally gruesome! Cried at one part where it really scares me, it was so so disgusting and provided that people who knows me, know that i dont watch gruesome show nor horror!
Gross! No more gruesome show for you already Jasmine! Sufian, Fuer and bunch are my entertainment in school! They make school days seems so enjoyable, though i am even more happy that tomorrow NO LESSON as per usual! Think Wanfong they all see this, they will be whining all over again!-smiles widely and posing with a twist!- Cannot help it because i am not the one who decide on my schedule you know?
So looking forward for tomorrow's cellgroup! It is going to be awesome!
Always find that humans' mind are the deepest place that is hardest to be reach, it is like a well that can never be figured how deep it is or how much more deeper can it actually go.
Life never fails to amaze me, you know why?
It is because there are times when you thought it is like your lowest peak ever, however it can either still go even lower or it can actually become your highest peak of your life! It is like a very contradicting saying but it is true! Learn it through all these years, that why, when things seems out of control, can just leave it to the potter's hands and things can just transform.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This was a picture being taken on last Monday! when i went for a Date! with Melissa! Please dont focus on how big my face were, it was drizzling like almost for the whole day.
However, it was a whole day of fun and quality time being spent! so like totally worth it!
That day was super eventful because, first, this was the day when i slipped and fell and hurt my bumbum. Utterly painful to the max, had to take cab home, without mentioning that i was late for lesson thus i took cab as well early in the morning with the peak hour ticking away. So expensive, could hear bits and pieces of my heart literally shattering. Other than that, all was okay.
Oh and if you are wondering what Brenz is trying to say about the cream, try harder, dont think anyone will be able to figure it out, because it is a inner joke within us! and i dont want to eat cream!
So tired! need to become stronger physically, Jasmine you are Strong!
Guess what? my mum is having Getting Started Bible study given by my uncle now as i am blogging! Kind of interesting! Jasmine, you need to make planning of what you want to have in life already, dont from slack till turn sloppy and become super lazy!
Faith is the substance of the things hope for and the evidence of things not seen! So i shall have faith to visualize what can happen in my life! i like this sentence," if you can see it, you can have it" so let me see what i want to have, i want big house ( a really really nice condo!), a puppy (Shih Tsu)->[correct spelling?], big car ( MPV), and a maid! so that i dont have to do any house chores!- just plainly thinking makes me so so excited! Wow, feel so happy and contented just by thinking of all these stuff.
Oh and i went for a shopping spree! a very short one though, bought 2 tops and a pair of Heels! So happy okay? like i went shopping and felt really good! I think my last shopping before this was when i went to buy my new year clothes can? which is super long ago! As now is already near to August, can never believe i did not have "life" for so long! though the movie-making process was awesome!
If you notice, i am being really random like my title! So i linked the whole thing man! Yes!
Life life and more life!
Today have been quite a happy day for me i think, for an example, i did not go school today because wasn't feeling too good, however, i finally managed to get the chance to go facial and do something to my face!
It was yet another super painful yet fruitful trip! It was utterly painful but at least i get to take away some pretty irritating oil pores and sort. Then i appeared on Channel U, oh man! look so so fat, but then again, my mum got kind of excited and she was like," okay lahz, look quite pretty!"
It must have been ages before hearing my mum praising me like that, nearly jumped till the ceiling threatens to collapse, actually did not really do so exaggerating stuff, but that was like how i really felt.
This week is gonna be a eventful week! Going to fast on Wed! Discipline must set in no matter what! Then follow by conference call! Believe it will be something really fruitful! Then will be meeting up with Bee Yee to go SP on Saturday to make contact lens! Then after will be having Festival Of Praise and last but not least the Family Portrait!
-notice above that there are many ! signs? it is because i am using them to express the excitement in my heart!-
I am suppose to go out with "Aunty", "Ma" and Andy, but until now, all are not yet confirm! So totally no idea.
And i just realised that Dom, my lecturer actually like watch Channel U and saw me and Steph! -Rescue me please!-
I am missing "THE DAYS" 's people more and more! i cant wait to see them once more! Looking forward already!
~kiss~ out!
It was yet another super painful yet fruitful trip! It was utterly painful but at least i get to take away some pretty irritating oil pores and sort. Then i appeared on Channel U, oh man! look so so fat, but then again, my mum got kind of excited and she was like," okay lahz, look quite pretty!"
It must have been ages before hearing my mum praising me like that, nearly jumped till the ceiling threatens to collapse, actually did not really do so exaggerating stuff, but that was like how i really felt.
This week is gonna be a eventful week! Going to fast on Wed! Discipline must set in no matter what! Then follow by conference call! Believe it will be something really fruitful! Then will be meeting up with Bee Yee to go SP on Saturday to make contact lens! Then after will be having Festival Of Praise and last but not least the Family Portrait!
-notice above that there are many ! signs? it is because i am using them to express the excitement in my heart!-
I am suppose to go out with "Aunty", "Ma" and Andy, but until now, all are not yet confirm! So totally no idea.
And i just realised that Dom, my lecturer actually like watch Channel U and saw me and Steph! -Rescue me please!-
I am missing "THE DAYS" 's people more and more! i cant wait to see them once more! Looking forward already!
~kiss~ out!
I am back for bloggy....
Had my reservations on coming back here. Still find WORDPRESS pretty awesome, think the only not very good part is, it does not have any chatterbox or anything to let people leave little tags for me.
Facing problems to change my blogskin, well, it have like sort of transform after not using it for months! Thus, anyone who is KIND enough, please volunteer and settle my blogskin for me ya?
By the way, i came back partially was also because, a lot of you are using blogger okay? So i am just like joining the crowd! -see!- i am so nice!
Facing problems to change my blogskin, well, it have like sort of transform after not using it for months! Thus, anyone who is KIND enough, please volunteer and settle my blogskin for me ya?
By the way, i came back partially was also because, a lot of you are using blogger okay? So i am just like joining the crowd! -see!- i am so nice!
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